
“We Miss You” Email Examples to Winback Customers

by Outcry August 19, 2018
we miss you email

New customers are hard to get. In fact, according to Invesp, it costs 5 times as much to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. But sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much we try to retain customers, some will still cancel. It’s the nature of the business.

Thankfully, that’s where the “we miss you” email comes in handy. It’s a last attempt to reach those customers that canceled and say hey, remember us? We want you back.

Here are some “we miss you” email examples to help inspire you to create the perfect winback email campaign.

#1. The Open-Ended Question

we miss you email example

We love that Raw Spice Bar asked an open-ended question. GrooveHQ is an example of a company that grew their exit survey results by 785% using a simple open-ended question. They even A/B tested different ways of asking and found that “what made you cancel?” instead of “why did you cancel?” gave them better results. It’s interesting how a simple word change can make such a difference by sounding less confrontational.

Open-ended questions are a great way to get people to open up and let you know exactly why they canceled. However, RawSpiceBar’s email was a bit too long if they wanted to get a lot of user feedback. It would be interesting to A/B test their initial email with a shorter email like this:

Hey Laura,

Thanks so much for giving RawSpiceBar a try a while back! I’m sorry you didn’t love it. I have a quick question I hope you can answer to help us make RawSpiceBar better: what made you cancel? If you could just reply to this email and let me know, I’d really appreciate it.

All the best,

[first name of CEO]

P.S. If you want to re-subscribe, use code MissYou15 for $15 off

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#2. The Survey

we miss you email example

I actually remember when I first got this email in my inbox because I literally laughed out loud. The email put a smile on my face and if it wasn’t for the fact that I moved away to a place that doesn’t have GrubHub, I probably would have ordered from them that day.

customer feedback email templates

The survey makes it simple to select which option was the reason for canceling, which is very convenient. I remember selecting the reason because, why not? It’s only a click away. However, they are missing out on some information.

For example, if they added another step after I clicked on “I moved away,” they could find out where I moved to. This could then help GrubHub identify potential new markets worth exploring.

#3. The Discount

This discount email by Zazzle is a great way to get people’s attention. Who doesn’t like a discount and a cute cat pic?

we miss you email example

I like that they left it short and sweet with a clear call to action button that says “Spend $10 Now.”

So there you have it, three “we miss you” emails to get your ideas flowing. Is there an email strategy that has worked for you in the past? If so, we’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

Getting Started with Your Email Winback Campaign

As with any email marketing campaign, your first step is to use an email automation software. There are many out there, but one of our favorites is GetResponse due to their easy to use software. You can design emails quickly in an intuitive way without having to read an entire manual.

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get responseOnce you have your email automation software, you’re going to want to create your winback email campaign. Many businesses make the mistake of creating one design and sending that out. Instead, you’ll want to create a couple of different designs to A/B test them.

Get inspiration from the email winback examples featured above and try a mix to see what performs best. Perhaps your customers respond best to a simple, open-ended question, but maybe not, perhaps they prefer to click a quick multiple choice answer instead.

If you’re at the stage where you would like to outsource your email marketing efforts, take a look at Fiverr.


Unlike other freelancing sites where you have to post your project, get bids, and hire people, Fiverr has turned it around so the freelancer advertises their skill to you and you can purchase anything related to digital marketing. You can search for the service you need, such as “email marketing” and browse through the different portfolios.

What are some tips you have for creating successful campaigns?

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